Thursday 29 April 2010

My Final Interview Page

This is my final interview page. As i had told you before i had chosen this design and layout by looking through other magazine this is why i had come up with my final page. My interview page consist of the colour palette of blue and pink this is because i wanted to give it a bright colour feel as the other pages are black , red, grey and white so i thought i would give the interview a unique look to the other pages. i had noticed many other interview pages in the magazine i have annoted one whole side on the right is where the artist image will be, however, i chose to do the opposite to make it a bit unique from the others. I had added a subheader and the name of my artist to let the readers know what this page will be about this will be above the image. on the side of the image there is a pull qoute " my music means the world to me" which was taken out of the interview to reveal to the audience that the interview is about her music, below the quote there 'Aaliyahs' upcoming album underneath that album there is a caption which tells the audience when the album will be released and the name of the album. On the right hand side of the interview page there is another pull quote which is birght and bold so that it is eye catching. Then the interview comes following the questions will be in bright pink and the answers in blue to show the diffrence so it will be easy to read. I had put anotehr image on the left hand corner with a innocent look to my artist which reveals the otehr side to her and the image on the left shows her sophistacted side. On the bottom of the interview there is a teaser which tells us what webiste to go to find out more about 'Aaliyah' and her music industry.

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