Thursday 29 April 2010

Before and After ( Contents page)

My contents page is completely unique to any other magazine. When i had analyzed any other magazine i had seen to many complicated words being used and to much information on one page. So i had made my contents page easy and straight forward so it will be less complicated for my target audience. my contents page consist of one image of my male model which will be a ' upcoming artist'. The image on the left is the old contents page that i had created which looked plain and the numbers where to close and also the colours that i had used was not the housetyles that i wanted to carry on through out my front cover and the contents page so this is why i had change it to the image on the right and put the name of my artist across the image so the readers will know who is the man and what he will be saying about his music as he is a upcoming artist in the UK. i had chosen my contents page image to be black & white as the other contents page are bright and colourful i wanted my page to be different and straight forward and i also done this so that the information that was in red will be easy to read.

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